Friday, January 15, 2010

This is the Poster I painted for the 30th Anniversary Columbus Marathon.

Painted in Photoshop. All of the Columbus Landmarks that the Marathon Runs along.

This is a painting on Wood Panel that was inspired by a teaching at the Vineyard, by Rich Nathan.

The inspiration idea was that if we concentrate on nourishing our roots, the world's problems and attacks will seem upside down, and we will be at peace.

My office.

This is a painting I did for the New Years Eve party and CD release party for John Reuben this year.

This was the first of many future inspired paintings that I have been painting lately. It was painted in Photoshop.

This is a TShirt design for a series on SKREENED.

Had a series of Monster 'real life' situations.
This was to shed light on the misconception that Monsters hide in closets to scare you.

This is something I found to be inspiring. It's a collage of Nursery Rhymes.

I just love this.

Matti Burns